Corrugations and other on-the-road mishaps

Michael Borg and Matt Fehlberg of Camper Trailer Australia took the Ultimate XPLOR GT out for a test run in December 2015 and they loved it. You can read the review by clicking here. Michael also took the opportunity to write some generic off-road camping and 4WD articles whilst out and about in the Ultimate XPLOR GT and we’d like to share this one with you.

Corrugations and other on-the-road mishaps

Corrugations can shake seven shades of you know what out of your 4WD if you’re not on the ball. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do, but more often than not a few little driving techniques can smooth out the ride. The first one is tyre pressures! Lower pressures allow the sidewalls to flex, helping your suspension by absorbing some of the bumps.

The second is to ride the cushion. Corrugations usually form in the most used part of the track, but there are often parts on either side of the track that are smoother, if you can find them.

The next thing is to find a speed that helps you get up on top of the corrugation. That basically means a speed fast enough to stop your wheels from falling into the ‘bump’ of the corrugation.

To keep plenty of control, whack it in 4WD. You’re unlikely to get bogged or anything, but shaking can cause tyres to lose contact with the ground. A loss of contact means a loss of control, but engaging 4WD can help maintain it if you are at a safe speed.


When it comes to mechanical breakdowns, there are almost always early warning signs before it goes ka-boom! A rattle here or a tinging noise can be the beginning of the end if you don’t catch it in time. That’s why it’s important to pull over and check out any unfamiliar noises. If you suspect something is buggered, you’ll have to think on your feet when it comes to working out the next step. But here are a few things to be wary of.

One: chances are, the longer you drive a vehicle with a problem, the more damage you’ll end up doing.

Two: sometimes having very limited mechanical knowledge can actually be worse than having no knowledge at all. Reason being, you might assume you know what the problem is when it’s actually something completely different.

Three: if there’s another way to sort a problem that doesn’t involve a dodgy bush mechanic fix — use it! Nine times out of 10, if you can get phone reception, you can call a tow truck or roadside service when you’re out in outback New South Wales. So simply calling for help is usually the safest and smartest option.

Words by Michael Borg, photography by Matt Fehlberg.

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