So where do co-owners of an iconic Australian off-road camper trailer company go on holidays – Europe? The USA and Canada maybe? South East Asia perhaps? Nope. Off-road camping of course!
Wendy and Michael Hackett are taking a few weeks off to rest, relax and work. That’s right, they are having a working holiday. Right now they are at the Gold Coast visiting loved ones but from there it’s off to the Queensland Supershow to meet up with Ultimate owners, potential customers and industry friends.
Once that’s done they are heading to the NT and to Darwin for the Darwin camping and 4WD expo to showcase Australia’s best off-road camper trailer. It will be Ultimate’s first time in Darwin at this show so a long time coming but better late than never.
We’ll check in with them periodically (not too often or we’ll end up with more work!) and see how they are travelling and get some great images of their off-road adventures.
If you see them, say a great big hello!